Weekly East Region Roundup: Vol. 4

Here are some resources and blog posts from my fellow Technical Evangelists here in East Region:


Lots of activity from my developer-focused peers…read the whole list…you won’t regret it.

* Last on the dev side, but not least, Pete Brown is doing his best to destroy my gadget budget by posting his experience in controlling MIDI parameters with the Leap Motion gesture control device. ## IT Pro

                                                                        * Need to learn how to set up Windows Azure PowerShell Cmdlets? <a href="http://blogs.technet.com/b/yungchou/" target="_blank">Yung Chou</a> <a href="http://blogs.technet.com/b/yungchou/archive/2013/08/21/setting-up-windows-azure-powershell-cmdlets.aspx" target="_blank">shares a TechNet Radio episode in which he teaches just that</a>. 
                                                                            * <a href="http://www.blainbarton.com/" target="_blank">Blain Barton</a> shares a <a href="http://blogs.technet.com/b/blainbar/archive/2013/08/19/vmware_2d00_or_2d00_microsoft_2d00_vcp_2d00_cert_2d00_by_2d00_microsoft_2d00_bvangelist_2d00_matt_2d00_hester_2d00_read_2d00_on_2d00_2.aspx" target="_blank">full list of articles from Microsoft IT Pro evangelists that will help you evaluate VMWare vs. Hyper-V</a>, and which is right for your scenario. 
                                                                                * One of those articles, from our own east region virtualization guru <a href="http://www.virtuallycloud9.com/" target="_blank">Tommy Patterson</a>, covers <a href="http://www.virtuallycloud9.com/index.php/2013/08/virtual-processor-scheduling-how-vmware-and-microsoft-hypervisors-work-at-the-cpu-level/" target="_blank">virtual processor scheduling, and how the VMWare and Hyper-V hypervisors work at the CPU level</a>. 
                                                                                    * Another TechNet Radio episode from Yung, this one covering the <a href="http://blogs.technet.com/b/yungchou/archive/2013/08/21/get-started-with-windows-azure-powershell-cmdlets-and-boldly-cloud.aspx" target="_blank">next steps with Windows Azure PowerShell Cmdlets</a>. 
                                                                                        * Lastly, for central Florida IT Pros, Blain <a href="http://blogs.technet.com/b/blainbar/archive/2013/08/19/tampa_2d00_bay_2d00_infrastructure_2d00_user_2d00_group_2d00_meeting_2d00_sept_2d00_10th_2d00_4_2d00_7pm_2d00_signup_2d00_now.aspx" target="_blank">notes that the next meeting of the Tampa Bay Infrastructure User Group will be held on September 10th</a>. </ul>
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