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Resources for my OSDC Talk

Resources for my 2021 OSDC talk, covering integration of external code and services...

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Recently, I gave a talk at the OutSystems Developer Conference (OSDC) on integrating external code and services in an OutSystems application, entitled “A Little Help From My Friends: Integrating External Code in OutSystems”.

Here are some relevant resources that I discussed during the talk:

OutSystems Forge

The Forge is the first stop for OutSystems developers looking for additional functionality for their apps, and you can access it online at: https://www.outsystems.com/forge/, or via the Forge tab in Service Studio.

The Forge offers thousands of components, ranging from full demo apps, reusable UI widgets, to connectors to popular services from Microsoft (Azure Cognitive Services, etc.), AWS (S3, Lex, etc.), and more.

Integration Builder

Integration Builder is a web-based interface for easily connecting to logic and data from a variety of sources, including Salesforce, SAP oData, SharePoint Online, and more. Learn more about getting started with Integration Builder.

I also mentioned that my colleague Cristiana Umbelino did a <Decoded: Quick Hits video covering Integration Builder>:

I’ll also add a link to the Integration Builder deep dive session from this year’s OSDC, once the recording is available.

Using JavaScript

During the discussion of custom JavaScript, I mentioned a couple of videos I did on using JavaScript in an OutSystems app. I have videos for both Traditional Web (“Dude, Where’s My JavaScript?”), as well as for Reactive Web Apps, both of which you can see below.

Using JavaScript in OutSystems Traditional Web Apps
Using External JS Code in an OutSystems Reactive Web App

Integrating C# Code

Finally, I mentioned in the section on integrating C# code that I had created a simple .NET extension for reversing a string, and I have a video demonstrating that component, and how you can (in a self-managed OutSystems environment) debug that code using Visual Studio. You can view that video below:

Debug a .NET Component in OutSystems


My thanks to all who attended my talk. If you’d like to see all of the OutSystems content my team produces, check out our playlists:

Last updated on Oct 08, 2021 22:35 UTC
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