20 Years of Blogging

Marking 20 years of sharing thoughts online...

Apparently, I missed it by a couple of days, but the 22nd of February, 2023 was the 20th anniversary of my very first blog post. I was fortunate enough to be one of the first set of folks with a blog on weblogs.asp.net, which ran on the .TEXT blogging software written and operated by Scott Watermasysk.

The post itself is unremarkable, just an introductory musing. What is remarkable is that 20 years later, that blog is still online, thanks to the folks at Microsoft keeping it up and running. It has been transitioned to Orchard in the meantime, but given how many blogs and sites have long since disappeared from the web, it’s amazing to see things I wrote 20 years ago still online.

Over the subsequent 2 decades, I’ve moved my blog to different places, first moving to blogs.msdn.com when I joined Microsoft as a Developer Evangelist (that site now redirects to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/gduthie/, but the content is still online), and eventually stood up my own independent blog here on devhammer.net.

My thanks to Scott for his role in helping me get started in the blogging world, and kudos to Microsoft for keeping this resource alive. If you’re interested in seeing all the blogs from weblogs.asp.net, here is a list of all the bloggers on that site:


I should note that I was reminded of my 20th anniversary by a post from my friend Frank La Vigne on the 19th anniversary of his blog FranksWorld.com. 19 years of blogging on the same domain is an impressive feat!


Comment by Shawn Wildermuth on 2023-02-27 00:09:48 +0000

I didn’t even realize that I passed 20 years. Wow. In April it will be 21. Thanks for the reminder (and great to hear from you, long-time no see).

Last updated on Feb 24, 2023 15:31 UTC
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